If I Use Shopify, Do I Need Google Analytics?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has ushered in a new era of e-commerce reporting, many of my e-commerce clients have their consumer facing brands on sites powered by Shopify. With the launch of GA4, Shopify store owners have the opportunity to develop a more extensive, in-depth understanding of what their customers want in terms of content, features, and products.

GA4 is the latest version of Google's renowned web analytics service, which has long served as the cornerstone of data-driven decision-making for e-commerce businesses worldwide. Although the transition from the previous Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 might seem daunting, the wealth of insights the new version provides makes the switch well worth it. Let's take a closer look at why integrating GA4 with your Shopify store is crucial for your business's growth and success.

A Deeper Dive into Google Analytics 4: Elevating Shopify Reporting to New Heights

GA4 is the latest version of Google's renowned web analytics service, which has long served as the cornerstone of data-driven decision-making for e-commerce businesses worldwide. Although the transition from the previous Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 might seem daunting, the wealth of insights the new version provides makes the switch well worth it. Let's take a closer look at why integrating GA4 with your Shopify store is crucial for your business's growth and success.

The Business Case for GA4 Integration with Shopify

Integrating GA4 with Shopify opens up a plethora of opportunities for e-commerce store owners to harness the power of advanced analytics. Here are some key reasons why GA4 is a game-changer for Shopify merchants:

1. Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking

GA4's robust e-commerce tracking capabilities allow you to examine your store's sales and revenue data with unprecedented precision. You can delve into product performance, identify your best-selling items, and track revenue trends over time.

2. In-Depth Conversion Funnel Analysis

GA4's advanced funnel analysis tools let you visualize and optimize your customer journey. By identifying areas of drop-off, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your sales funnels, leading to improved conversion rates and increased revenue.

3. Comprehensive Marketing Campaign Monitoring

GA4 provides valuable insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns. You can track the effectiveness of different marketing channels, measure campaign ROI, and pinpoint which channels are driving the most valuable traffic and conversions.

4. Detailed Customer Behavior Insights

GA4 offers in-depth reports that shed light on customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing user engagement metrics, you can optimize the user experience and make informed decisions to boost customer satisfaction and retention.

5. Advanced Segmentation and Personalization

GA4 enables you to create custom audience segments based on various attributes, such as demographics, behavior, or transaction history. These segments allow you to deliver personalized marketing messages and targeted campaigns, enhancing customer loyalty and driving long-term customer value.

6. Mobile App Analytics

For Shopify store owners with mobile apps, GA4 offers robust tracking and analysis capabilities. You can gain insights into user behavior within your mobile app, track in-app purchases, and analyze user engagement metrics specific to the app.

Integrating GA4 with Shopify: A Step-By-Step Guide

There are several ways to integrate GA4 with your Shopify store. Let's explore the most common methods to find the one that suits your needs.

Shopify GA4 Integration: The Native Approach

The easiest and quickest way to integrate GA4 with your Shopify store is through the Google Sales Channel app. This method offers the advantage of zero code implementation, making it accessible even for those with limited technical knowledge.

However, it's worth noting that while this method is straightforward, it may not capture all the e-commerce events on your site. 

Set up your Google tag integration with Shopify

You can measure behavioral data about your site with Google Analytics. If you have a tag ID starting with “G-”, follow the steps below to set up your Google Analytics account with Shopify.


The easiest and fastest way to set up tracking through Google Analytics is to use the Google & YouTube app. Note that this integration is native to Shopify. To set up your Google Analytics tracking through Shopify, follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to your Shopify account.

  2. On the left panel menu, open the Online store dropdown menu, then choose Preferences from the list.

  3. Navigate to the “Google Analytics account” section. Click Manage pixel here.

    1. If the Shopify app isn’t installed, review the list of permissions required, then press Add sales channel at the bottom to continue.

    2. If the app isn’t connected to Google, click Connect, then choose the Google account that owns your Analytics property.

  4. Choose your Google tag ID from the dropdown list, and click Connect your Google Analytics 4 property.

Note: If you plan on using Google Analytics to track free listings and ads conversions, check How to avoid duplicating tracking events to ensure that you do not duplicate conversion tracking.

Direct GA4 Installation: Adding the Tag to Your Site's Code

If you prefer to manually install GA4 on your Shopify store, you can do so by adding the GA4 tag directly to your site's code. This method gives you more control over your data tracking and allows for complete customization.

If you do not want to use the Google & YouTube app on Shopify, you can set up Google Analytics tracking manually. Manual set up is only recommended for advanced users as it can be complicated, and can increase the likelihood of error, resulting in inaccurate tracking data.

If you prefer to set up tracking through Google Analytics manually, follow the steps below.

  1. In Google Analytics, go to the Admin screen.

  2. In Data Streams, click on a stream to see details.
    Your screen should show you the Google Analytics settings and the Google tag settings.

  3. In the “Your Google tag” section at the bottom of the page, click Installation instructions.

  4. On the "Installation instructions" page, select “Install manually”.

  5. In Shopify, select the "Online Store" > Themes option from the panel on the left and then select the button with three dots on your active theme > "Edit Code" dropdown.

  6. Under "Layout", choose {/}theme.liquid.

  7. In the theme.liquid file, confirm that Google tracking tags are not present. If you have code on this page that resembles the block below, you likely already have Google products installed, so double-check before replacing the existing code block.

  8. To establish a connection between your website and Google Ads, copy and paste the Google tag code below. After the <head> element, paste the code below beginning with: <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> and ending with </script>. Click Save to finish.

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->

<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=Tag_ID"></script>


 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}

 gtag('js', new Date());

 gtag('config', 'Tag_ID');



Navigating the Transition: Migrating from UA to GA4

When migrating from UA to GA4, it's essential to carefully plan and execute the transition to ensure a seamless shift and maintain continuous, accurate data tracking. Here are some key tips to keep in mind during the migration process:

  • Maximize Data Storage Time: By default, GA4 sets the data storage period to two months. To maximize the use of your historical data, remember to adjust the data retention settings to the maximum allowed period.

  • Strategize Your Account Structure: Consider the number of properties you will need and the tasks you want to accomplish with GA4. Plan out your account structure accordingly to ensure a smooth and organized transition.

  • Map Out and Name Your Events: Identify the events you want to track and establish a consistent naming convention for them. This will provide a clear and organized view of your data in GA4.

  • Seek Expert Help if Needed: If you're finding the migration process overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. Experts in GA4 can guide you through the migration process, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

GA4 has revolutionized the realm of e-commerce reporting for Shopify store owners. By integrating GA4 with your Shopify store, you can unlock a wealth of insights into your business performance, optimize marketing efforts, and make informed, data-driven decisions. And if you need help, I can assist you


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Google Analytics (GA4) + Squarespace Analytics: Creating a Symbiotic Relationship in Customer Insights and Behavior